New Feature Friday!
Featuring Kiss&Makeup
Happy Friday everyone! Hope you've all had a great week and it's officially October too, time to start getting out the coats and scarf!
This week's feature is the most loveliest blogger, Demi, who runs Kiss&makeup such a creative blog name too I must add. Kiss&makeup is all about beauty and lifestyle, with clear photography and interesting posts she has great potential with her blog!
Was so much fun finding out more about Demi and her thoughts on blogging!
Interview with Demi McCann l Owner of Kiss&Makeup Blog
1) What has been your key inspiration to beginning your blog?
I've always loved all things makeup and beauty, one of my favourite things to do is browse drugstores or makeup departments and stock up on brand new products! As well as that, I love giving my friends makeup advice or sharing with them about my experiences with new purchases - so beauty blogging seemed like a perfect little hobby for me! Really though, what triggered me to start was reading other peoples beauty blogs. There are some truly amazing and beautiful blogs out there, reading them every day is keeping me motivated to keep working on my blog.
2) What do you enjoy the most about blogging?
The community! It's still very early days for me but I've already spoken to and been in contact with so many lovely people. It's fab having a huge circle of girls (and a few guys!) who all have the same interests and passions as me all just a few clicks away! Another great thing is finishing off a post that you've put a lot of thought and effort into, then sitting back and admiring your hard work!
3) To date, what has been your 'proudest' blog moment?
Hitting over 1000 views after just over one week of blogging, I thought that was pretty crazy! I also have a 'proud' moment every time I get a new follower, it's so satisfying knowing that someone is actually interested in and enjoys what you have to say - so a new follower is always a great thing in my books, I appreciate every single person who follows or reads my little blog!
4) Where do you see yourself and blog develop in the future?
If we're talking about myself specifically in terms of my blog, I try not to think too far into the future - at the moment I'm purely blogging because I really enjoy it, if it ever became anything more than that, well that would be great but I have no plans to pursue beauty as a full time thing currently nor do I have any desire to be the next Lauren Conrad or anything like that!5) What tips/advice would you give to someone who wants to go down the blogging path like yourself?Be prepared to dedicate a huge amount of your spare time to your blog, especially of if you want to make a success of it. Also, don't expect for your blog to become a roaring success overnight, it takes time, effort and money - I have spent a small fortune on new products to review since I started blogging! Make every effort to interact with the rest of the blogging community, most of the time they're the ones following your blog!6) Which would you say is your favourite type of blog post to do?I love discovering a fantastic new product and sharing with the world just how fantastic it is! I hate bashing products, I always try to find the pros as well as the cons in every product I review, but of course I'm always 100% honest.7) 3 Must have beauty items you couldn't be without!- GHDs: I'm so naughty when it comes to using straighteners. My ends get so dry but I always refuse to let my hairdresser cut them off completely! I have seriously curly hair naturally and I've never really embraced it fully because it's so hard to manage, as a result I have straightened and blow dried the life out of my poor hair! I think I might make it my new years resolution for 2014 to only straighten it once a week or something!- Eyebrow kit/eye brow pencils: I am a firm believer in that a good pair of perfectly shaped and primped eyebrows totally set off your makeup! I feel completely naked without eyebrow makeup, I'd pick an eyebrow pencil over foundation or lipstick any day of the week.- Smashbox Photo Finish hydrating primer: This is one product my makeup bag could not be without. If you read my blog you'll know how I rave about my dry skin, this primer is a lifesaver and keeps my skin hydrated underneath a full face of makeup whilst at the same time providing a smooth canvas for application. Highly recommend!
Such a wonderful blogger who I wish all the very best with her career and blog! Share the love and go check out her blog and other social networks -
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